
Conductors of Quality!

Since its inception, Child Care Junction has been committed to the highest level of child care and early education. Currently, we have obtained a “Four Star” Rating (out of five stars) on Iowa's Quality Rating System. Child Care Junction is diligent in its efforts to achieve excellence in its child-centered service, professional development, and its connection to families and the community.

A large part of our quality work has been focused on implementing a curriculum that is responsive to the needs of young children, birth to five years . Child Care Junction has chosen to implement Creative Curriculum (written by Dodge, Colker, and Heroman) in the our classrooms. Creative Curriculum involves offering children a positive learning environment arranged in interest areas (centers), helps teachers to implement developmentally appropriate practices, integrates content learning into everyday experiences, and allows for tracking of children's individual progress.

In addition to Creative Curriculum, we have chosen to implement the Positive Behavior Support program as well as using the Environmental Rating Scale system. Positive 

National Association for the Education of Young Children www.naeyc.org

Iowa's Quality Rating System www.dhs.state.ia.us/iqrs

Creative Curriculum www.teachingstrategies.com/page/CCPS_Overview.cfm

Positive Behavior Supports www.csefel.uiuc.edu